Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership.
• Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes.
• The sale of property will prompt the removal of all exemptions, assessment caps and special classifications.
Tip: Collapse sections you do not want to print.

TERRAZA 13 LLC Data Correction: Submit correction to name or mailing address.

  2. PO BOX 4900 DEPT 201
  3. SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85261

Primary Site Address

  1. 12970 NORMANDY BLVD
  2. Jacksonville FL 32221-

Official Record Book/Page


Tile #



Property Detail

RE # 002201-0100
Tax District GS
Property Use 4100 Manufacture Light
# of Buildings 2
Legal Desc. For full legal description see
Land & Legal section below
Subdivision 00019 JAX HEIGHTS SEC
Total Area 1773042


The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes. For more information go to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator .

In Progress

'In Progress' property values, exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax roll and are subject to change. Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those certified in October, but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Property Appraiser’s Office values property.

Value Summary

Value Description 2024 Certified 2025 In Progress
Value Method Income Income
Total Building Value $0.00 $0.00
Extra Feature Value $0.00 $0.00
Land Value (Market) $4,193,617.00 $4,193,617.00
Land Value (Agric.) $0.00 $0.00
Just (Market) Value $46,139,100.00 $46,139,100.00
Assessed Value $43,883,602.00 $46,139,100.00
Cap Diff/Portability Amt $2,255,498.00 / $0.00 $0.00 / $0.00
Exemptions $0.00 See below
Taxable Value $43,883,602.00 See below

Taxable Values and Exemptions – In Progress Data Correction: Submit correction to exemption status.

If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority, the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box.

County/Municipal Taxable Value

No applicable exemptions

SJRWMD/FIND Taxable Value

No applicable exemptions

School Taxable Value

No applicable exemptions

Sales History Data Correction: Submit correction to sales history.

Book/PageSale DateSale PriceDeed Instrument Type CodeQualified/UnqualifiedVacant/Improved
17077-018852/25/2015$57,595,000.00SW - Special WarrantyUnqualifiedVacant
16691-000562/13/2014$64,600.00SW - Special WarrantyUnqualifiedVacant
16479-006487/2/2013$294,300.00SW - Special WarrantyUnqualifiedVacant
09784-020339/12/2000$100.00QC - Quit ClaimUnqualifiedVacant
04686-008367/26/1978$88,000.00WD - Warranty DeedUnqualifiedVacant
04686-008276/28/1978$100.00QC - Quit ClaimUnqualifiedVacant
04686-004327/26/1978$1,250,000.00WD - Warranty DeedUnqualifiedVacant
04660-005996/19/1978$39,800.00WD - Warranty DeedUnqualifiedVacant
04640-009295/22/1978$100.00QC - Quit ClaimUnqualifiedVacant
03329-010983/1/1972$2,500.00WD - Warranty DeedUnqualifiedVacant
03314-002272/2/1972$100.00WD - Warranty DeedUnqualifiedVacant

Extra Features Data Correction: Submit correction to extra features.

LNFeature CodeFeature DescriptionBldg.LengthWidthTotal UnitsValue
1SWSC6Sprinkler Wet System100509,966.00$813,396.00
1SWSC6Sprinkler Wet System2008,400.00$17,052.00
2PVAC1Paving Asphalt10033,976.00$29,967.00
3PVCC1Paving Concrete100176,440.00$351,874.00
4WMCC1Wall Masonry/Concrt1002,830.00$22,803.00
5LPMC1Light Pole Metal10056.00$65,293.00
6LITC1Lighting Fixtures10068.00$19,542.00
7FCLC1Fence Chain Link1003,060.00$57,063.00
8FWIC1Fence Wrought Iron1001,195.00$77,244.00
9PVCC1Paving Concrete100163,240.00$545,515.00

Land & Legal Data Correction: Submit correction to land size.


LNCodeUse DescriptionZoning AssessmentFrontDepthCategoryLand UnitsLand TypeLand Value
11000COMMERCIALPUD0.000.00Common1,524,600.00Square Footage$4,192,650.00
29607RETENTION PONDPUD0.000.00Common5.69Acreage$967.00


LNLegal Description
15-93 11-3S-24E 40.69
4O/R 17077-1885 BLK 2,
5TRACTS 1,2 BLK 3,
6PT TRACTS 3,4,13,14,15 RECD
7O/R 17077-1885 BLK 3

Buildings Data Correction: Submit correction to building data.

Building 1

Building 1 Site Address

12970 NORMANDY BLVD Unit Jacksonville FL 32221-
Building Type 4101 - MANUFACT LIGHT
Year Built 2014
Building Value $39,172,510.00
TypeGross AreaHeated AreaEffective Area
Base Area451952451952451952
Interior Build Out C6926921211
Unfin Loading Platform7920238
Fair Office6142561425107494
Interior Build Out B8008001200
Interior Build Out B157615762364
Interior Build Out B8108101215
Unfin Loading Platform7920238
Interior Build Out C6224622410892
Unfin Loading Platform7920238
Good Office5555551388
Base Area555555555
Interior Build Out B192192288
Unfin Loading Platform7920238
Interior Build Out C7317311279
Interior Build Out B6726721008
Interior Build Out B307307460
Interior Build Out C300030005250
Unfin Loading Platform25260758
Interior Build Out C7807801365
Interior Build Out C300030005250
Base Area-3000-3000-3000
Interior Build Out C8008001400
Base Area-800-800-800
Base Area-3000-3000-3000
Exterior Wall2222 Precast Panel
Roof Struct99 Rigid Fr/Bar J
Roofing Cover44 Built Up/T&G
Interior Wall11 Masonry Min
Int Flooring44 Conc Above Grd
Heating Fuel33 Gas
Heating Type44 Forced-Ducted
Air Cond55 Chilled Water
Comm Htg & AC22 Htg & AC Zoned
Comm Frame33 C-Masonry

Rooms / Units18.000
Avg Story Height38.000
Building layout (traversing data) of this property

Traversing Data

BAS:944,134:=W21 N25 W14 S19 W31 N27 W60 S30 W26 N30 W265 S30 W27 N30 W184 S12 W171G90 N12 W10 W135 S502 E31 N16 E12 S16 E74 N47 E15 S37 W15 S10 E166 N12 E41G90 S12 E307 N24 E28 S24 E76 N20 E17 S9 W3 S11 E40 N30 E21G90 S30 E134 N108 W20 N40 E20 N53 W52 N164 E52 N104 $ CAN2017:737,603:=S20 E20 N20 W20 $ IBC2017:789,573:=S30 E21 N30 W21F90 $ ULP2015:975,603:=S6 E7 S44 E15 N50 W22 $ FOF2017:944,104:=S134 W52 S164 E52 S201 E53 S12 E45 N25 E5 N108 N128 N248 W5 N25 W45 S23 W53 $ IBB2017:924,455:=S40 E20 N40 W20 $ IBB2017:878,102:=S26 E31 N19 E14 S25 E21 N32 W66 $ IBB2016:500,101:=S30 E27 N30 W27 $ ULP2015:975,104:=N6 E7 N44 E15 S50 W22 $ IBC2017:145,101:=S12 E171F90 N12 W171 $ CAN2017:272,49:=S52 E92 N52 W92 $ ULP2015:66,101:=N6 W7 N44 W15 S50 E22 $ GOF2017;BAS:132,556:=S37 W15 N37 E15 $ IBB2017:43,587:=S16 W12 N16 E12 $ ULP2015:44,603:=S6 E7 S44 E15 N50 W22 $ CAN2017:135,94:=S7 E10 N7 W10 $ IBC2017:283,591:=S12 E41 N12 W41F90 $ CAN2017:314,603:=S7 E10 N7 W10 $ IBB2016:631,579:=S24 E28 N24 W28 $ IBB2017:735,583:=S20 E14 N11 E3 N9 W17 $ IBC2016:514,361:=S60 E50 N60 W50 $ ULP2016:546,0:=S86 W27 S15 E48 N101 W21 $ CAN2015:1047,590:=W5 S25 E5 N25 $ CAN2017:1047,353:=S128 E26 N128 W26 $ IBC2017:792,101:=S30 E26 N30 W26 $ CAN2015:1047,81:=W5 S25 E5 N25 $ IBC2016:199,470:=S50 E60 N50 W60 $ CAN2017:867,94:=S7 E10 N7 W10 $ BAS2016:199,470:=S50 E60 N50 W60 $*-1 IBC2016:488,381:=S40 E20 N40 W20 $ BAS2016:488,381:=S40 E20 N40 W20 $*-1 BAS2016:514,361:=S60 E50 N60 W50 $*-1 .

Building 1

Building 1 Site Address

0 NORMANDY BLVD Unit Jacksonville FL 32221-
Building Type 4101 - MANUFACT LIGHT
Year Built 2014
Building Value $39,172,510.00
TypeGross AreaHeated AreaEffective Area
Base Area451952451952451952
Interior Build Out C6926921211
Unfin Loading Platform7920238
Fair Office6142561425107494
Interior Build Out B8008001200
Interior Build Out B157615762364
Interior Build Out B8108101215
Unfin Loading Platform7920238
Interior Build Out C6224622410892
Unfin Loading Platform7920238
Good Office5555551388
Base Area555555555
Interior Build Out B192192288
Unfin Loading Platform7920238
Interior Build Out C7317311279
Interior Build Out B6726721008
Interior Build Out B307307460
Interior Build Out C300030005250
Unfin Loading Platform25260758
Interior Build Out C7807801365
Interior Build Out C300030005250
Base Area-3000-3000-3000
Interior Build Out C8008001400
Base Area-800-800-800
Base Area-3000-3000-3000
Exterior Wall2222 Precast Panel
Roof Struct99 Rigid Fr/Bar J
Roofing Cover44 Built Up/T&G
Interior Wall11 Masonry Min
Int Flooring44 Conc Above Grd
Heating Fuel33 Gas
Heating Type44 Forced-Ducted
Air Cond55 Chilled Water
Comm Htg & AC22 Htg & AC Zoned
Comm Frame33 C-Masonry

Rooms / Units18.000
Avg Story Height38.000
Building layout (traversing data) of this property

Traversing Data

BAS:944,134:=W21 N25 W14 S19 W31 N27 W60 S30 W26 N30 W265 S30 W27 N30 W184 S12 W171G90 N12 W10 W135 S502 E31 N16 E12 S16 E74 N47 E15 S37 W15 S10 E166 N12 E41G90 S12 E307 N24 E28 S24 E76 N20 E17 S9 W3 S11 E40 N30 E21G90 S30 E134 N108 W20 N40 E20 N53 W52 N164 E52 N104 $ CAN2017:737,603:=S20 E20 N20 W20 $ IBC2017:789,573:=S30 E21 N30 W21F90 $ ULP2015:975,603:=S6 E7 S44 E15 N50 W22 $ FOF2017:944,104:=S134 W52 S164 E52 S201 E53 S12 E45 N25 E5 N108 N128 N248 W5 N25 W45 S23 W53 $ IBB2017:924,455:=S40 E20 N40 W20 $ IBB2017:878,102:=S26 E31 N19 E14 S25 E21 N32 W66 $ IBB2016:500,101:=S30 E27 N30 W27 $ ULP2015:975,104:=N6 E7 N44 E15 S50 W22 $ IBC2017:145,101:=S12 E171F90 N12 W171 $ CAN2017:272,49:=S52 E92 N52 W92 $ ULP2015:66,101:=N6 W7 N44 W15 S50 E22 $ GOF2017;BAS:132,556:=S37 W15 N37 E15 $ IBB2017:43,587:=S16 W12 N16 E12 $ ULP2015:44,603:=S6 E7 S44 E15 N50 W22 $ CAN2017:135,94:=S7 E10 N7 W10 $ IBC2017:283,591:=S12 E41 N12 W41F90 $ CAN2017:314,603:=S7 E10 N7 W10 $ IBB2016:631,579:=S24 E28 N24 W28 $ IBB2017:735,583:=S20 E14 N11 E3 N9 W17 $ IBC2016:514,361:=S60 E50 N60 W50 $ ULP2016:546,0:=S86 W27 S15 E48 N101 W21 $ CAN2015:1047,590:=W5 S25 E5 N25 $ CAN2017:1047,353:=S128 E26 N128 W26 $ IBC2017:792,101:=S30 E26 N30 W26 $ CAN2015:1047,81:=W5 S25 E5 N25 $ IBC2016:199,470:=S50 E60 N50 W60 $ CAN2017:867,94:=S7 E10 N7 W10 $ BAS2016:199,470:=S50 E60 N50 W60 $*-1 IBC2016:488,381:=S40 E20 N40 W20 $ BAS2016:488,381:=S40 E20 N40 W20 $*-1 BAS2016:514,361:=S60 E50 N60 W50 $*-1 .

Building 2

Building 2 Site Address

-- no building address found --
Building Type 4101 - MANUFACT LIGHT
Year Built 2017
Building Value $475,557.00
TypeGross AreaHeated AreaEffective Area
Base Area813081308130
Average Office200200400
Interior Build Out B7070105
Exterior Wall1515 Concrete Blk
Roof Struct1010 Steel Fr/Trs
Roofing Cover44 Built Up/T&G
Interior Wall11 Masonry Min
Int Flooring44 Conc Above Grd
Int Flooring33 Concrete Fin
Heating Fuel11 None
Heating Type11 None
Air Cond11 None
Comm Htg & AC00 None
Comm Frame55 S-Steel

Rooms / Units1.000
Common Wall25.000
Avg Story Height26.000
Building layout (traversing data) of this property

Traversing Data

BAS2016:0,0:=S66 E27 S10 W27 S8 E100 N84 W100 $ AOF2016:7,66:=S10 E20 N10 W20 $ IBB2016:0,66:=S10 E7 N10 W7 $ .

2024 Notice of Proposed Property Taxes Notice (TRIM Notice)

Taxing DistrictAssessed ValueExemptionsTaxable ValueLast YearProposedRolled-back
Gen Govt Ex B & B$43,883,602.00$0.00$43,883,602.00$451,478.49$496,626.34$480,964.28
Public Schools: By State Law$46,139,100.00$0.00$46,139,100.00$143,459.72$142,662.10$145,292.03
By Local Board$46,139,100.00$0.00$46,139,100.00$101,318.71$103,720.70$102,124.28
FL Inland Navigation Dist.$43,883,602.00$0.00$43,883,602.00$1,148.95$1,263.85$1,167.30
Water Mgmt Dist. SJRWMD$43,883,602.00$0.00$43,883,602.00$7,153.03$7,868.33$7,398.78
School Board Voted$46,139,100.00$0.00$46,139,100.00$45,070.60$46,139.10$46,139.10
Description Just Value Assessed Value Exemptions Taxable Value
Last Year $45,070,600.00 $39,894,184.00 $0.00 $39,894,184.00
Current Year $46,139,100.00 $43,883,602.00 $0.00 $43,883,602.00

2024 TRIM Property Record Card (PRC)
This PRC reflects property details and values at the time of the original mailing of the Notices of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM Notices) in August.

Property Record Card (PRC)

The PRC accessed below reflects property details and values at the time of Tax Roll Certification in October of the year listed.

• To obtain a historic Property Record Card (PRC) from the Property Appraiser's Office, submit your request here: Submit Property Record Card Request.